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I Am Not Interested

Often times we use affirmations and mantras to affirm what we do want in our lives. When helping clients create them, one of my encouragements is to take out any negatives (no, don’t, not, won’t, can’t). But I have also witnessed the power what I will call rebuke decrees. I just made this name up, like just now, so, go with it. Rebuke decrees send a vibration in the form of words as to what you won’t allow, disallow, rebuke, or curse. Remember, life AND death lie in the power of the tongue. As we speak life, creating what we want, we can also speak death, cursing what we do not want.

One powerful rebuke decree that I create while journaling was an “I am not interested” decree. I was just writing out my thoughts, pouring them out as I customarily do, and I got to a point in my writing where I stated “I thought about myself as an empath and how long I have been carrying the emotional burdens and the energies of people since childhood. And of a truth, I am not interested anymore.” I went on to say:

I am not interested in carrying my ___________’s anxiety.
I am not interested in carrying my ___________’s insecurity and anger.
I am not interested in carrying my ___________’s rebellious nature.
I am not interested in carrying any man’s mommy issues.
I am not interested in carrying guilt for things that I did wrong and I have been forgiven.
I am not interested in carrying guilt for things that I did not do wrong and was falsely accused of or wrongfully projected onto.
I am not interested in carrying ____________’s perfectionism, insecurities, and control issues.
I am not interested in carrying ____________’s immaturity.
I am not interested in carrying ____________’s dismissal of me.
I am not interested in carrying ____________’s opinion of me.
I am not interested in carrying anyone’s expectations of me.
I am not interested in carrying the burden of my enslaved ancestors who wanted me to be free in all areas of life.
I am not interested.

When I say this was a powerful activity for me, I mean it was powerful. It helped to free me from holding onto burdens that were never mine to carry. I feel strongly, deeply, and sensitively. It’s a gift and I’m grateful for it. It makes me a heck of a therapist and a really good friend. But I don’t have to be crushed by the weight of emotions that were never mine in the first place.

If you try this, let me know if it works for you!

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